Twitter - 6 Dos and Donts


Twitter can be a useful tool for any business - when you use it properly. The social network allows its users to interact and interact with one another in an uncomplicated way.

Companies can benefit from being in direct contact with customers and helping them with questions or problems. This creates trust and loyalty.

So, that you do not accidentally fall into a fat trap during your twittering, which is why your followers (and therefore customers!) Forever grave, we have here a list with Do's and Don'ts for the social network.


Many Twitter users use Twitter's ability to directly target other users when it comes to business-related issues. These, on the other hand, could lead to a massive advantage if they were targeted at the customer's problem.

However, many companies miss exactly that and answer with standard phrases or do the problem. This gives away a lot of the Twitter potential! Users want to be taken seriously - otherwise they are gone very quickly.


Even if you cannot return all tweets from customers to their satisfaction, there are still better solutions than standard phrases. Take a little time and try to tackle the problem and show the customer that at the other end of the tweet there is not a robot that automatically answers, but an interested and committed employee


If you, like many companies, also offer customer service via Twitter, you should practice the service and answer a questionable customer to their question. If you promise to solve your problem (for example, by replacing a faulty product) and if you do not comply with this commitment, you have a customer less than one.


If a customer needs help, you can get in touch with him and try to solve his problem as soon as possible - whether by a helpful tip, the refund of money or a new product.


If you want to apply for a new product or a new service on Twitter, it can help direct your followers (or even those who do not follow you) directly. But here too the rule is: do not treat everyone equally! See your followers, that you have tweetet to each one sentence (and only the names exchanged), it affects them impersonally.


If you really want to reach your followers, be personally. For it creates a connection between them, you and your company, when they realize that they are perceived as persons and not just as consumers.


Twitter is a good platform for promotion. For example, if you want to apply for a new product, you can advertise profit games in order to alert and involve users.
However, if your users have to perform complicated actions to win the prize, it is anything but conducive to gaining attention. Many companies call on their followers to tweeten, usually under a special hashtag. But if users feel compelled to do something that they might not want, such attempts usually go backwards.


If you want to promote something, do it in an easy way and do not pushy. Do not ask your followers to use a particular hashtag to tweak something, but let them take part without pressure from possible actions - then the whole thing usually comes into its own.


Even if the very many Twitter users do - never ask others if they want to follow you. Let your followers come to you ...


In fact, by simply staying yourself and still posting interesting, good contributions. You should try to stand out from all other users and companies - but not by contrived posts, but in your natural way. So the users, who find your profile interesting, come to you all by themselves.

Of course, it can be useful for every Twitter user, company or individual, to a certain point, to watch, and perhaps participate in, a little bit of the image.
That should however be very well thought! Many have already entered the fat trap and had to go through Shitstorms because they have misjudged a hashtag theme.


Nevertheless: If a hashtag, which is currently running, should fit into your theme, there is no reason not to attack him - but not too flat. Consider exactly how you can use the hashtag for your purposes and make the tweet as crisp as possible!

Not everything the others have to do is always good. As a rule for social media, keep yourself. Even if you do not believe it, most users notice very quickly when you imitate and decipher others, to gain new followers by all means.

In conclusion, therefore, the Council: Do not try to force anything! What are the benefits of 10,000 followers when they are not interested in your company or your products?

About the Author:

Ashish Sharma is a content writer, and Marketing manager at Mobile app development company in Jaipur. A hub of skilled mobile app developers.

Content Marketing 5 Mistakes that you should absolutely avoid

Post written by Enriq an app developer in LA.

Content marketing is not a new buzzword and many companies already following this trend. But not every company manages ultimately to operate well, good content marketing. What mistakes you should avoid, we would like to explain here.

Mistake1: Lack of Strategy

Like any other marketing action, the content marketing begins with a plan and strategy. But we already seen there is many businesses fail in Content marketing. Good content marketing can only work if it is based both on the corporate goals as well as to the interests of the audience! Therefore, you should think carefully before the actual process of writing where the journey should go and what goals you want to achieve. Do not forget that your goals must be measurable, specific, terminable and natural realistic - because only then you can compare your current situation with the final state.

Mistake 2: No Audience Clearly Defined:

You want to implement content marketing successfully? Right! Then you must first begin to identify your target audience and then create personas to which the contents are interpreted.

Remember: your potential customers have individual interests and different needs and problems that you identify and define in Personas must. Only when you create different personas, you can define your content and the presentation and dissemination of the form in your content strategy.

Mistake 3: self-promotion:

Some companies understand the term " marketing " in content marketing, that they can refer to themselves, their services or products in their content. But this is where content ceases to be content and it begins a continuous loop advertising. Most users are in interested in solving a problem - so it's your job to help them! In order to meet the interests and needs of your customers, it is best to talk to them: What interests? they have known what problems? About what they want to learn more?

Mistake 4: Only Content Marketing:

Content marketing is not solely from the creation of content, but a variety of different disciplines. These include:
·        SEO
·        Social Media
·        PR
·        Journalism
·        Etc.
Precisely for this reason, content marketing not be exercised by one person alone, it is done by a team! The knowledge and ideas of different specialists have come together at the Content Marketing.

Mistake 5: Content Marketing without endurance:

 Content marketing is an endless and long-term marketing but few companies expect success in a very short time. But who wants Content marketing operate successfully, the need to prove stamina! After all, it comes to win regular readers, which are then convert into customers - and that's of course not within a few days.

How Google app indexing changed the Mobile Marketing and SEO

With App Indexing the next chapter begins in mobile marketing. Websites and search phrases are linked in future with more apps because Google understands content in apps and can use this information to create a better mobile user experience. In our mobile app development company: Content, SEO, CRM, we examine what this means for SEO.
As early as May 2015 Google announced that worldwide more searches are performed on mobile devices than on desktop devices and rising. The smartphone has become indispensable as a mobile companion and also Google tries with new innovations to enhance the mobile user experience.

For a long time, apps and websites completely separate systems. Google could index content only from the mobile version of a site, so that apps were excluded from the crawl. To draw attention to an app most website owner’s used app landing pages within their own site.

The Apps that not been indexed, led to two problems:
·      Users are accustomed to app stores and use them to find new apps.
·      The optimization of content within the app had no priority for developers.
Now Google also plays off app content in the mobile search results, companies open up new opportunities to increase visibility on mobile devices and accelerate the use of own apps.
App rankings in Google can be divided into two categories:
·      App packs and
·      App deep links

App Packs are defined in the mobile search results and to be understood as a kind of its own search results for Apps.
App deep links, however, are direct links that lead to an installed app. The user has to use the mobile search results to choose of either the mobile site or directly the app.

What is SEO strategy for app indexing?

By indexing app content has changed fundamentally Google mobile SEO strategies and App Discovery. Users no longer need to search within the app stores a matching app. They can search their relevant apps in the mobile search results. It is expected that users who use other Google services such as Google Now, Google inbox or Google Maps, will benefit because of better indexing.

By further integrating Apps, competition has increased for the top places already highly competitive in the mobile search results. So you not only have to compete against other organic rankings that AdWords ads and already available universal search integrations like Google Maps Pack. Although App deep links are currently played out only under certain conditions, but Google has already announced on the last Google I / O developer conference, to work to ensure that apps rankings can generate almost no installation and link to a website.

Current condition of app deep links

App supports App Indexing
Website is linked with app:

Thus it can be assumed that enterprises can get more competition in the mobile search results of Apps in the future. Google has also confirmed that sites which are linked via Google App Indexing with an app, are more to be found in the mobile search results. Studies have also shown that apps often have a better user retention, higher CartCash revenues and better conversion rates than mobile sites. So there are good reasons to deal with App Indexing.

How does the ranking of App deep links?
Positive signals Ranking
App installed:

App deep links are play important role, if the user has already installed the app, or had recently installed. Google will track any previously installed and uninstalled Apps within the Google Play account.

Faultless technical implementation:
The App Indexing should be implemented properly if the app is free from all technical errors. Google also expressed that app content which contain technical errors are excluded from indexing.

Optimized website:
Page elements such as title and meta description are played important role on each of the linked website URL in an app deep link. Thus, the success of a deep-linking depends on the mobile ranking and search engine optimization of the linked site. An optimized title and a CTR optimized meta description ensure better CTR App deep links.

Negative ranking signals
Not matching content:

The contents of each app page should match the corresponding URL and provide the same information. If Google considers that the contents are not identical, "non-matching content / content mismatch" in the Google Search Console is displayed as an error.

In - app interstitials:

Interstitials JavaScript banners that appear before the actual content, and often used for the integration of advertising within an app reject Google and Apple indexing. Interstitials in an app are a negative ranking factor for app deep links and therefore to be avoided. On mobile websites using a smart banner that Apple and Google advisable supports instead of interstitials.